Friday, March 12, 2010

Some reviews and other hubbub

The past couple weeks have been rainy and disgusting outside.  Welcome to the swamp that is Houston, Texas.  So, DC and I have been doing some Jillian Michaels.

She is just as mean as she is on TV.  Calls you names and everything.  Maybe it's me calling her names.  I am not really into home work out DVDs.  I'd much rather be outside or something, but, I actually really enjoy this one, and by "enjoy", I mean she makes me hurt and I hate her for it, but then I love her.   She pushes us through 3 circuts of strength, cardio, and abs, and about half way through it, I wish I was training with Bob instead.   Of all of the muscles she works, my calves are the sorest.  From jump roping in place.  I am so lame.  Anyway, I highly recommend it (minus the music- it's kinda 90s techno).  I do not recommend doing it with your significant other because when DC does butt kicks, I can't even move I'm laughing so hard.  Really ruins my workout.

My book club had our first book discush last month.

We read The Help and the votes were unanimous- excellent book.  So much woman-catty-ness, so much drama, so many strong females, so many hard times, so much secrecy.  If you can get used to the jargon Kathryn Stockett uses, you will fly through this thing.  Unless you're married to someone who ignores you while he watches Top Gear, but as soon as you open a book, he begs for attention.  If you are in that situation, reading this may take longer than everyone else in your book club.  Not that I would know.

This month's book has so far been a flop for everyone.  I won't say who recommended it.  Yes I will.  Jellie.

DC and I have a race tomorrow morning.  I have a possibly cracked sacrum.  Some of you may call running a 10k stupid in such a situation, but since my doctor friend, who operates on the Bush folks (he has to be legit), tells me I can't make the crack worse, I say I am hard core.

The weather is supposed to be stupendous in Houston this weekend.  High of 70s, sunshine.  Perfect weather for getting some pictures for the blog banner.  And for a bike swap.  And for planting.  And for taxes.  Wait.

Go outside this weekend, lovely blog readers.


  1. Hi Stephanie - It's beautiful in Southern California this week too! I've been walking the dog in our favorite hillside trail--lots of lizards--no snakes out yet--and a little gardening. Son Alex is getting ready for the LA Marathon next Sunday. Son Nathan is hiking in Griffith Park (very large place with mountain trails) every day and getting ready for his play to be produced next month at the Cherry Lane Theater in New York--Maybe your brothers can go to that! Love your blog. Jani

  2. Hi Jani!! So glad you're reading!
    What is the name of Nathan's play? I have some great friends in NYC that I am sure would love to go and see it

  3. I've been wanting to check out "The Help," too. Thanks for the rec.


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