Tuesday, March 1, 2011

NAHBS which stands for Holy Cow That's A Lot of Bikes or Wow my wife is awesome for going to this with me but not awesome enough to edit all of my pictures

That steel blue color made me crazy.  I love it so much.


I thought they were selling coffee.  Jokes on me.

The North America Handmade Bicycle Show was in Austin this year.  Let's be real, it was awesome.

 Umm, yes I will take one Starry Night Bicycle please.  Kthanks.

Vanilla Cycles.  My favorite booth!  D, why didn't I buy some of their rain boots?!?!

and to top it off, D got to meet Gary Fisher.

If you ask me who Gary Fisher is, it might be a lot like this.

The Sultan of Swat!
The Colosus of Clout!

And in return, D has agreed to go to the national quilters of America 4 day convention with me.
Jokes.  I just tried to think of something really miserable.
No offense to all my quilting peeps.
I have had too much coffee.
High five for bikes.


  1. wow. you are totally an awesome wife. is it bad my favorite pics were the ones of shoes?

  2. Oh, I've always wanted to go to that show, but it is always right around our National Bike Summit (which Gary Fisher also attends, in case you guys want to come to DC next year ...). I LOVE Vanilla Bikes ... total covet land, but I couldn't wait the 5 years or whatever to actually get one ...

  3. So apparently I shouldn't under-imagine when Dev tells me it was a plaid suit...... WOAH


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