Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A garden update; because you care about my plants. Right?

Dev had to build some lattice work-ish thing to hold our cucumbers this weekend.  They are shooting all over the place and I'm pretty sure I can blame them for taking over the other window box and killing the strawbs.
Don't mind the breath-taking parking garage in the background.

Basil = weed.  We can't use it enough.  I love that.

We bought a new cherry tomato plant that is already fruiting.  We're probably most excited for this one.

 I lied.  Peppers.  I am PUMPED FOR ALL OF OUR PEPPERS!!
We picked our first hot banana pepper this week and fed it to Grammy (D's grandma).  She approved.  Garden success.  Clear picture fail.


  1. Yes, we do care my friend.
    Impressed with the apartment garden missy!

  2. ok. i really need a basil plant. REALLY!

  3. Probably a bit sad...but I DO care about your plants. All plants! We're so excited for ours too! Doesn't planting just make life so wonderful? :)


Hop on the love train