Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lunch Wars

One of the best things ever to be invented in the blogging land is BlogHer and, more specifically, BlogHer book club.  I love books.  I'm sure you knew that.  So I was so so SO excited to be asked to participate in my first BlogHer book club book review!

Other than wizards, there isn't much than interests me more than reading about health/nutrition/fitness/what's in my food, and I was really pumped to get to read Lunch Wars.  Amy Kalafa is an award winning film maker (she made Two Angry Moms) who wrote about her experience in investigating what her kids were being served at school.

The first 2 chapters were super interesting to me.  She taught me a lot about what is in my food, not just in school lunches (i.e. the 26 bazillion other names for MSG).  But, because I am not a parent, I found the rest of the book to be a bit of a bore as Kalafa speaks mostly about how you can get involved in your childrens' schools, how you can connect with the food service provider, and how you can create groups to take action.  After the first 2 chapters, I was uninspired as I didn't feel like it pertained much to me.  With that said, if I did have kids, we'd be having a serious revolution in Houston.

If you're a mom and you even minutely care about what your kids are eating, pick up Lunch Wars.  You'll learn more than you ever wanted to know.

This was a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.

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