Monday, June 21, 2010

Mush Brain Monday

I’m coming off a high of a stellar weekend, and my brain is mush.

If you gave to the Voeltners a few months ago, here’s an update for you!  For one, the next Sunday when I saw them, they had raised all of their money.  $6,000!!  When I posted, they were FAR from that.  I am certain that it did not all come from this little blog, but if you gave them some money, THANK YOU!!  They left last Tuesday for Lebanon!

I'm on the hunt for some affordable Wicked tickets.  I’m (w)itching to go.

I am on call for work this week.  I work for a hospital.  On Friday night,  I got a call at one am from a patient demanding to have a Coke.  He was livid that he could not have one.  Livid that I would not drive up to the hospital to find one for him.  He called me all sorts of names and said I was making all kinds of Americans mad.  So there’s that.  Discuss.

Don’t forget to check out Charasia’s registry (link in the top right corner) to find something to give to those sweet girls.

Moving right along to hot dogs.  Devin and I have been craving them but we want to make them (fyi we use turkey dogs) with some crazy toppings.  Anyone have any favorite combos?  Favorite place to get a dog?

Speaking of food, we had amazecake cupcakes this weekend.  Nom to the nom.

I bought my first running skirt this weekend.  I think I love it, and I’m very excited to wear it tomorrow for the Tuesday pub run where my girl Allie will dominate the 3.1 miles.

If you are pregnant or have babies, please email me.  Please?  There’s a link at the top left corner.  I have some research questions for you. 

1 comment:

  1. my only questions are how did the guy who wanted a coke get your phone number? and did he have drug induced dementia to demand a coke when he was sick? CrAzY people! :) I like your blog--I've been a lurker for a while. :)


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