Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Keep a lid on the junk in that trunk

Did anyone ever see that Dane Cook bit where he is all, “THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN WAKING UP LATE FOR A JOB YOU HATE!”  Well…yeah.  Anyway, that has nothing to do with this.

There’s this website that I love…


and they want to feature DC’s Black Bean Hummus recipe this afternoon.  What the what?!  Has anyone read that recipe?  It, like, doesn’t have any measurements.  I love it.

Fit bottomed girls is all about staying in shape, trying new things (they do awesome work out DVD reviews), reviewing new products, they have recipes and excellent giveaways, they write about fitness struggles, interview hard core people like Jackie Warner and Denise Austin (why are you laughing?  she could STILL totally kick your butt), and they spend some time obsessing over one of Devin’s man crushes (ahem Bob Harper)


(every Tuesday, DC seriously considers getting some LEGIT tattoos)

and also they got me hooked on Jillian and her killer DVDs and my love for grew and so our love affairs really work out for DC and me.

Anyway, check them out here.  They are legit and they also apparently like black bean hummus.  High five to the huz for making things up as he goes.


  1. so I just saw your post on fbg's blog...i'm totally trying that hummus soon! and then i found your blog, and had to follow b/c you live in houston (me too!), you're a newlywed (me too!!), you talk about Compassion (me too!!!), and it goes on and on...anyways, hi new blog friend :)

  2. hi! we go to ecclesia which is in montrose. what about ya'll?


Hop on the love train