Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Note to self:

 When it says 2 cups of blueberries 
It means 2 cups.
Not "Hey, Steph, ignore this and put the whole bag in.
Yeah, it does not mean 3 1/2 cups.
Which may or may not result in blue muffins.

Adapted from here.  Like majorly adapted.  Like I pretty much ignored the recipe.


  1. on our honeymoon we ate bazillions of frozen blueberries. not sure why, but we called them blubies (like your post!). because we were new to the whole marriage thing, it always made us burst into tons of giggles...

    (...boobies, blubies...not funny? immature?)

  2. Dear Sam,

    on your next grocery trip, try yelling down the aisle "husband! dont forget to grab some blubies!"

    it makes shopping way more fun.

  3. yessss...totally going to try this.


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