Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Please share your grapefruit.

The other day, I rode my bike to an event I was volunteering for with these peeps and the Girl Scouts for GEMS (girls exploring math and science).  A few things about this:

1.  I was not a Girl Scout.  I was a Camp Fire Girl.  I did not have a troop number.  I don't think.  Either way, I love these organizations and what they do for girls.

2.  Way cool to be able to take a young girl to something like this and show her lots of things she could grow up to be in the math and science field.  We talked about being a Speech Pathologist and Audiologist.  I am neither of these, but I think they're awesome.

3.  Did you know you can go to apple.com and lock your kid's ipod at a certain volume so they can't damage their hearing?  4 high fives for Apple because right now, 12% of all kids age 6-19 have noise induced hearing loss.  From things like ipods.

So then I was riding my bike home and I saw this in a nearby neighborhood.

I would be lying if I told you I haven't thought about hopping that fence at night.  Because like heck they can eat all of those and Devin and I definitely can.


  1. i'm pretty sure i need my ipod locked on a certain volume. i can't help but jam out!!

  2. That is a gorgeous tree! They should share!


Hop on the love train