Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Dear husband, over the past few days, you have shoved liquids down my throat, taken me home early from New Years Eve, made impromptu dinners because of my slacking, fixed the netflix on the TV for me, made me laugh, brought me tylenol, talked deep, and kissed my forehead 1.4 million times.  I may start calling you Patch Adams.

Dear marathon, you stress me out more than my job lately.  Wait no.  But you're a close second on the stress o meter.

Dear Lisa , today is your SEVENTH BIRTHDAY!!  Did you know I sometimes daydream that I get to meet you and hug your widdle body so tight that you beg for me to let go a little bit in your beautiful Indian language?  I hope this is the best birthday of your life and I hope you love your birthday gift from Devin and me and MOST OF ALL I hope I get to meet you someday very soon.

Dear husband, since mid December, you have done hundreds of pull ups, push ups, and pick ups (and got more hot tamale muscles I must say).  I have no problem with this.



  1. chica...get better!!!!! and happy birthday to lisa! she is lucky to have you :)

  2. I was just wondering if you're blog address changed recently? I was just looking through my subscriptions on my blogspot's dashboard and it shows that you've made some new posts since this one but they (obviously) aren't posted on this blog...just wonderin'!

    Hope you're having a jolly day!

  3. Hey Katie! I was reloading some pictures that got lost on old posts- maybe that was it?

  4. ahhh ok that makes sense!

    Oh....I've also been meaning to ask you...

    What plants/herbs have you found to grow fairly well? I know you've grown some stuff before and being that we both live in TX/year-round-freakishly-warm-temps, I figured I'd ask you (afterall, growing anything in TX is an exception to any rulebook out there).


    P.s. Going to watch the Cotton Bowl ?


Hop on the love train