Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Some word vomit to start off the year OR January you are my death wish

1. Have you seen this?  Gah!  We watched it a few days ago and before it started I reminded D that most documentaries are VERY one sided.  Yyyyeah if that's the case, I'm on their side.  I highly recommend that you find out where your food is coming from.  Because it's gross.  And sad.  And mostly gross.

2.  What are your resolutions?  I forgot mine already.  But we did get rid of our cable!  We're both really happy to save that money and go back to the way things were when we first got married- lots of reading, lots of bike rides, lots of talks on the patio.  We love no TV!

3.  Looking for some small space gardening tips.  We need to plan early this year!  Meaning we need to buy a stake for our tomato plant tonight because it thinks it's Spring right now.

4. I am sewing my first thing since 7th grade this week.  Prayers please.

5.  We are happy to be back in routine again.  By routine I mean I ran a fever all day yesterday and in turn forgot to go to work or plan any meals or do anything productive and instead watched 4 movies.

6.  I have to run 26.2 miles at the end of this month.  My knee still hurts.  A lot of words come to mind when I say those 2 things together, but none that I should write on here, so...crap.  And pray.  Crap and pray.


  1. knowing where your food comes from is important...you need to read some Michael Pollan!
    Happy New Year and Happy Sewing!

  2. We watched that movie about a year ago and have changed our eating habits pertaining to meat DRAMATICALLY. It was an astonishing documentary and I highly recommend it.

    We also got rid of cable! With our internet...I barely even notice its gone and I feel so much better knowing that my kids aren't going to be a part of the tv zombie nation.

    Have you thought about a raised bed or boxed garden? We made three last summer to supplement our large ground garden and they would be PERFECT for smaller spaces. You can trellis things to grow UP instead of out. You just have to make sure if you're using raised beds that they have plenty of drainage.

    Good luck on training!

  3. i need to get into the sewing scene. please post finished products! and good luck with the houston marathon. crossing that line will go in your book of unforgettable experiences. once was a enough for me, but perhaps this will start a lifetime of marathoning for you :)

  4. Hope you feel better doo dah.

    My new years 'goals' not resolutions are coming to my blog later this week. . .so I can remember them.

  5. Wow! Lots going on. I hope your sewing goes well. Share what you make?

    Get the book "Square Foot Gardening" from the library. It's by Mel Bartholemew (sp?). It's my go-to reference. I hope you love veggie gardening. I think it's so satisfying.


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