Thursday, January 27, 2011

28 things to do before I turn 28

I'm 27 today.  Woot!  Last year I made a list of things to do before today.
Here's today's.

Some explanations, because they're necessary since Kstan thought I meant "eat more leftovers":
# 6: I never learned how.  It's terrible.  I feel like I do not belong in my generation.
# 8: Anything I didn't do on my last list
# 12: Please refer to this
# 20: Like maybe them and probably some of them and her and here and them (Dont you dare hate; it's my birthday.)
# 27: I am only allowed to do this if someone does it with me.  And DC has a race that day.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Free beer?  No?
# 28: Wild card.  Something that just comes up that is awesome.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have today and tomorrow off and I plan to savor every second of my freedom.

Much love, party people.


  1. woohoo!!! happy, happy birthday. praying for you for sunday.

  2. one more thing. once we become real friends, let's talk about the shiner ride. i have a very neglected road bike that i'm sort of ready to start paying attention to again...

  3. Happy birthday.
    For some strange reason you "fell ff" my google reader and last night as I was going to bed I thought " wow, i haven't read life shiny side up for awhile I wonder if the marathon is over" and then this morning i looked you up (i stayed home from church...(total slacker). I am sorry to hear of the marathon disappointment.
    Okay, that's lots of chatting.
    Happy Belated birthday!

  4. oooh i just made a 22 before 22 list myself...
    yours is fun :)
    new follower over from veronabrit, so glad i found u, hehe!


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