Monday, August 1, 2011

I said I needed to get out of town and he said okay

So he took me to my favorite place on earth: Austin.
And treated me like dadgum Kate Middleton.
It was the best. 
On Saturday, we strolled around town with no plans.  My favorite kind of vacation.

Allison Brooks Edwards.  This place was made for us.

I have recently discovered Kendra Scott.
She is all over my Christmas list.
Is it too early for that?

The man loves candy stores.
This one was full of old circus memorabilia

reminded me a lot of this

 food. trucks. be still my heart.

For dinner, we found an unmarked italian joint with a fabulous wine list and 2 bar stools calling our names.
Wood fire pizza, perfect wine choices, and some sugar snap peas in a cast iron skillet.
and we ended the night with this..


  1. Love your pictures, girlie!

    Looks like y'all had such a great time! We're itching for an Austin visit, too!

    I want a pair of those faboosh earrings NOW!


  2. i want to go to there!

    we have an austin visit planned in september - can't wait :)


Hop on the love train