Friday, August 12, 2011

Its like a pancake in a cup

Apparently I deal with stress by baking and not eating any of it.
I ran the show this week at work while my boss was away including hosting an investor tour, going to multiple work outs every day, and hardly getting any sleep thinking I may miss my alarm or forgot to do something.
So I baked.

Maple Walnut Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese Icing.
From someone who isn't the biggest fan of maple...oh my gosh.
Ok fine I had 1 cupcake.
Without icing they taste like the most delicious pancake ever.
Fine I had 2.
Didn't you see the part about multiple workouts every day?!
I'm not here to be judged.


  1. No link for the recipe, shame on you

  2. I'm tempted to ask for the recipe but I still have baby weight to lose :) LOVE your blog.

  3. Gorgeous! I'm the same way - baking when I'm bored.


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