Monday, January 11, 2010

Amy I may not be James Dean, Amy I may not be nineteen, And I may still be in romper boots and jeans…

Remember the other day, or like all last week…fine the past month or so, when I complained about how dadgum cold it is outside?   And how we, the people of south Texas, do not enjoy such weather?

It was a cold and drizzly night on Friday.  DC and I got home from work and immediately dawned our warmest pajamas for a night in.  Don’t you dare call us lame.  It was wild.  Then, we made a huge mistake.  Well, I guess more than one mistake.  For one, we realized we didn’t have any food in the place, hence, we had nothing to eat for dinner.  Mistake numero dos: we turned on Man v. Food.  Particularly, this episode. (please note the swarm of scooters around 1:30.  love.)

DC has more cravings than any female I have ever known, i.e. last night at the grocery store as I was ready to check out after being in that zoo for an hour plus, he tells me, “We have to go get a fun cereal or I will be so sad”.  The cereal was on the complete opposite side of the store.  We walked out with Fruit Loops.  I don’t mess with his cravings. 

Anyway, when this episode came on, the only thing he could think about was ice cream despite the 22 degree arctic blast going on outside.  I tried to get his mind off of it, but by the end of the episode, he asked when we were going for the 53rd time.  You know that feeling when it is 114 degrees and 1 million % humidity and someone offers you a bowl of soup?  And you think to yourself, “I would rather eat nails”?  I sort of felt like that in this moment.

So I did what any sane, normal, rational person would do.  I bundled up to go get ice-cream with him. 

dev driving Look how happy he is.  Seriously he wasn’t smiling because I was taking this.  He was giddy the whole way there.  Please note his cycling gloves.  You know it’s cold when DC “the human furnace” has gloves on.

Oh but wait.  We couldn’t go just anywhere.  It was 9:30pm and –4 billion degrees outside.  What kind of ice cream place is open in such conditions?  The Mecca of ice cream.  

Cow sign

and to our surprise, there was a line to the door.

Line side


until I saw they had Coffee Oreo ice cream, and then I’m all, “Oh, should I get a large?”

guy making

If you’ve never been to Amy’s, it’s a really fun place (sorry, they’re only in Texas…mostly in Austin).  In some of the stores I’ve been to, they throw the ice cream in the air and catch it with the cone for that ooooh ahhhh factor.

There is usually a photo booth.

photo booth

Which I have never used.  $3 to take awful pictures of me?  No thanks.

us in mirror 2

I can just do that myself.

1 comment:

  1. You get wife points for that.

    My wife points were earned tonight by getting ice cream for my sick hubby and then eating it by myself. He didn't want any. I did. ;)


Hop on the love train