Sunday, January 3, 2010

I Tend to Dive Right In

Apparently, I don't waste any time leaping right into my 2010 goals. Saturday, I went and cut 153 inches off of my hair. It seems like it, okay? So, I'm all, "Dev, I need you to take a picture of me for the blog to show my new haircut to prove to all of my readers that I'm all about the follow through", and he's all "mmmk". I sort of procrastinated about it on Saturday, naturally. Procrastination was not something I wanted to change in 2010. I have fully embraced my procrastination and do not intend to let go of it. So, Sunday afternoon, just as I was thinking, "Let's get that picture here pretty soon", DC sat next to me on the bed holding a bowl full of baked kale (at my request I should say) and the next thing I know there are fumbling hands...and this sound: ooooooo-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! and then I realized that gleaming white light coming toward me was actually not the rapture occurring, but a bowl headed straight for my face. Then there was a loud THUD.

And, so, behold. My "New Haircut of 2010" picture.


Complete with a Lightning McQueen boo-boo fixer ice pack. And don't even say you love my hair (I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions; you may hate it) because 1. I edited it funny so you can't really see it very well (I didn't change the color. I love my natural color. It cannot be bottled) and 2. It's a terrible picture.

But DC felt so so so bad. So bad that he serenaded me on the guitar while I iced my goose egg. Swoon.


The moral? Marriage is rough; wear a helmet.

After reading this, DC requested I put another picture up


He picked out my hat. And shirt. I love him.


  1. A helmet should definitely be the first wedding gift all couples receive.

    But, I really do like your hair... what I can see of it. New photos soon, mmmkay?

  2. Your hair looks great and you crack me up! Love the blog!


Hop on the love train