Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pinot and Picasso with Passion

My old college friends came in town this weekend, and we went to Pinot and Picasso.  It’s a bring your own wine and food painting class (I’ve been once before if you’ve been reading a while). 

This place is brilliant.

Such a fun time.

At the end, I asked Amanda what happened to her painting.  She told me the teacher told her it just means she has a lot of passion.  I’ll let you figure out which one is Amanda.

pinot girls


  1. That would be so much fun to do! I LOVE Amanda's :)

  2. I am laughing so hard at Amanda...although i don't know which one she is. Which is she??? You girls look like you had a blast!

    What does DC stand for??? I've wondered since I started reading your blog...


  3. oh wait, i think i just figured it out...it's Hubs' initials??


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