Thursday, February 11, 2010

Something to Check Out

Caitlin has a blog that I read daily.  Actually she has two.  I'll get to the other.  She blogs and writes for a living and gets to exercise as much as I dream I could if I had the time.  I am jealous of this life.  If you mixed her job and Abbey's job to make my life slash job, I would be in heaven.  I think the first day I found Healthy Tipping Point, Caitlin had wedged her road bike into the back seat of her car.  I thought that was so cool and rebelious-like since I think my husband would shun me if I did a thing like that.  If I had a road bike.  Then again I wouldn't have to wedge mine in a car to get a chain ring fixed.  I married a bike mechanic (actually an engineer by day...but if he could, he would own a bike/running shop with a fit studio and bike storage in the hill country.  Or Colorado.  This store also makes badass sandwiches with a coffee/smoothie/wine and beer bar and the book store would be upstairs with a nap area.  I will be in charge of running, coffee, books, wine, and napping.  We have big dreams, people.  Also, I would ride my scooter to said store.  DC would ride a bicycle.  We would race and he would typically win every time as this store will be 1/4 mile downhill from our house.  I just made that part of our dream up, but I don't think he'll object.  Holy crap what was I originally going to write about and why am I still in parenthesis)?

Oh right...I was getting to Caitlin's other...writer's block...her initiative to end fat talk.  There it is.  Caitlin is the founder of and I love the way she is spreading the word.  Check out how it works and do some encouraging yourself.  It's pretty fun.  At first you might feel a little creepy leaving notes for strangers, but I guarantee if you were one of those strangers to find one of the notes, it would make your day.  I am not making sense today.  Check out the website.  Get involved.  End fat talk.

And!  Happy Birthday Kstan!

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much :)

    (the back seat of my car is covered in chain grease.)


Hop on the love train