Monday, February 17, 2014


We worked like a couple of moles this weekend.  Lots of digging.  Ugh, I don't know, I couldn't think of things that dig other than moles and those bugs that dig and push around poop.  I chose the more glamourous of the two.

all 3 beds dug out, new fence (not in the original plan), and all of the concrete/trash/random bones the previous owners left all raked and hauled out.

The plans have changed a bit- everyone who reads this has pretty much nixed my hopes of strawberries, so we'll fill that bed with some more veggies.


The flower garden will make its debut in the next few days!

20 days until daylight savings.

1 comment:

  1. Looks very cool, in addition to vegetables, you can plant some flowers.(


Hop on the love train