Monday, August 17, 2009

…Because People Like to Say Salsa.

Lu came to hang out with me for a couple days while Devin was out of town…and we did in fact make our infamous only-made-once-a-year-eat-it-sparingly salsa.

Not seltzer. Salsa.

We have an extremely secret recipe which originates from the great works of one Janice Hathaway in the Eta Byta Pi cookbook. We have made some changes, however, and we’re not sure if it was on purpose or not. I refuse to release our recipe, but here are some hints…

toms sinktoms cut 

Onions  Lu cutting onions

Cilantro JalasSalsa in the pot 

I cannot even begin to tell you how enticing this smelled while it cooked. All of the different spicy aromas swirling slowly out of the pot, across the room, and into my nose. Absolutely delectable.

While the hot sauce cooked, we tried to snap some pictures for the cover of our own cookbook, or perhaps some visuals to send with a cooking show proposal. The possibilities are endless, people.

Eta Byta Pie Lu holding the original hot sauce literature. I’m telling you, that book is worth a fortune, and by fortune, I mean it will win you a man.

Lu’s attempts at holding the iPhone still to take my picture…

me down  me down 2

Really, I just need to get our mega-fancy camera hooked up and situated with one of our computers so I can use that for my phenomenal (ahem, sarcasm) photography instead of trying to snap something quick with that miniature camera.

The aforementioned Janice called while we were waiting for the hot sauce to cook, and just as we were feeling the domesticity bursting out of our bones, she told us she was picking cucumbers, peas, and other veggies from her own garden…and then she was going to take her clothes off the clothesline. Consider our bubble burst. But seriously, she is the real Pioneer Woman! It’s a sensitive subject, so I won’t go into details, but she once walked something like 3 miles with an oven mitt as a shoe.

The finished product:

Salsa Jars

Aren’t they pretty?! We sampled some of it, and it is BY FAR our best batch yet.

LU also came to help me hang curtains, buy some more things for the apartment, help me decorate, and she labored over the sewing machine making me some other things. Get ready, here comes the sap. In just 3 days, I learned SO much from my mom. She is the picture of Proverbs 31, and, if I am 1/10th of the wife and mom and manager of the house that she is, I will be so, so blessed.


  1. What a wonderful tribute to "Lu"!!! You are right. She is a great example of Proverbs 31 and it's really neat to see her children recognize that. Enjoyed your blog. It made me think of Julie and Julia...have you see it? It is SOOOO good! Made me want to COOK!!

  2. send me one!! :)
    we love salsa here but i don't make it...when i have it's gotten very bad reviews.
    so seriously....send me one.

    thanks for your sweet words to me.
    it was so kind of you to take time to do that. thank you...

  3. So where do I find one of these cookbooks by Janice?

    My friend and I make salsa every summer and love it! It is such a rewarding experience.

  4. YUMMO!!! I want some...or at least the recipe!!!

    (found you at Meg's site)


  5. Found your site thru meg! Please o, please share teh recipe or atleast the original. :)

  6. I will check with Janice about sharing the original :) If anything, I can give some guidelines and you can really just sort of throw in what you want!


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