Tuesday, March 8, 2011

 Happy Fat Tuesday

Apparently my life of funemployment has led to a less structured blogging life/schedule/whatever.
Here's the latest.

I have a new love / obsession / craving for hot yoga.  I go here.  Gayle is awesome and I am going to Nicole today.  If you are in Houston, you can drop in for any class for a fee or get 7 consecutive days of trying every class for $25 bones.  A steal.
P.S. A 90 minute class burns about 1000 calories.  Yes please.

I got to reunite with some college friends and their sig others this weekend and somehow this was the only picture I got.

That was some jazz place you took us to, Casey.

My biggest stress today is deciding what food to make for Bible study tonight and what to wear to yoga.
Funemployment is rough.

But I start work again tomorrow.  Sorta.
I got a job at a place whose mission statement includes this:
"to help people live a longer, healthier, more fun life"
seriously?  awesome.

I'm running a 10k in about a month and I guess that means I should probably figure out how to rehab my IT band back into running condition.  Help.


  1. hot yoga - woohoo!! love it. we go to yoga one in midtown, but i haven't been in at least a month - bad yogi.

  2. You may have only taken one picture, but it's a pretty fantastic picture.


Hop on the love train