Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I've Been Up To...

Here's the skinny:
I got a new job
they pay for me to go work out
it's pretty awesome
I am in charge of planning the entire opening party.
would love your ideas
would LOVE for you to come
you can friend us on facebook here
for all the deets.

Other than that!!!
I got to see my brudder this weekend.  We went to a Men Without Hats concert.  You can dance if you want to.
We are planning out some gardening.  I know, we're late as usual.
We are getting out of town next month which is awesome.
And I will get back in the groove of my baking awesomeness soon.



  1. i just liked the lulu page!! they pay you to workout?! that's awesome. are you still doing the tuesday night runs? i'm considering hopping on that train...

  2. i love this. this is soooooo you! http://veronabrit.blogspot.com/ is a huge fan. . .so make sure to let her know.

    hmm will you still be my friend if I workout in ratty old t-shirts?

  3. I wanna come!! I wanna come!!! Get some feather people there, cupcakes, yoga demos, maybe a free CrossFit bootcamp in the parking lot, free lulu loot or at least headbands! Hmm...what else do I love? ;)

    So excited for you!

  4. So excited for you friend!! I know you are just loving it!!


Hop on the love train