Friday, August 23, 2013

Dear Husband,

Tonight I went to a new coffee shop on the East side... Or, new to me.  While I waited on my decaf Americano, I overheard a group of people in the back of the small, old house hooting and hollering as an older male voice belted something unrecognizeable all the while strumming his battered guitar.  You of all people know that when I did in fact get my hands on that Americano, I plopped myself in a chair right in the middle, and they smiled at me as if I was their long lost cousin who just made it to the party.  And I wanted to know them.  Their names, their stories, the song he tried so hard to play.  A family, I gathered, here for a birthday celebration, and the man brought his guitar just so he could sing to her on her special day.  That's your kind of love.

Imagine my horror when I realized the book I thought I had with me was in fact not in my bag.  You know that mood too well.  So I watched and discovered something so sweet.

Within the group of squawking, bellowing friends was a couple who were making their way to say goodbye.  He, in his late 80's, with his white fedora and matching handlebar mustache.  She, possibly his senior, in a long blue polyester skirt, blouse, and floral cardigan.  Her glasses slipped down her nose, and just before they flat out fell off her face, she would catch them with her pointer finger, and press them back.  And she smiled...the biggest, happiest smile...because from what I could gather, most of them were her children.  A mama with her chicks.  Oh my heart.

And as they walked out, she kissed the right cheek, then the left, on everyone at the party saying not a word.  On her last goodbye, the man thanked her in Spanish and I wondered...could she understand anything anyone said tonight?  And if not...there's so much I can learn from her.

As they left the coffeehouse, she clung to her man's arm like a fireman down a fire pole and they walked step for step together.  He took his time gingerly escorting her down the 3 steps, and when he got too far ahead, she flailed her arms not because she needed to hold on to stand up, but because she wanted to hold on to stand up.

If I can't have anything else in this world- if I live wanting for the rest of my days- please, let me be there.  With God and with you.  Holding onto to your arm like there's no ever-lovin' tomorrow so I can stand up.  It is absolutely all I want for my life.


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