Friday, May 20, 2011

Here's the buzz, I'll tell ya what's a happenin' (name the mediocre broadway song/show that I just butchered for a catchy blog title)

1.  Today when Devin got up and moved around for work, I channeled my inner Postal Service because I was in fact sleeping in.  Please, please have some grace with my Gong-show worthy humor.  I slept in today for the first time in who knows how long.  Dig it.

2.  She is coming this summer.  I am going.

3.  They are also coming.  I have my tickets already.

4.  And sweet moses the biggest one is himI will sell my kidney for that show.

5.  Moving on.  I miss you guys and reading my favorite bliggity blogs.  Guys, I finally have a steadier schedule and time and I will be back with lots of fun stuff.

6.  I have been catching up on Glee.  We don't have TV, so I have missed so much.  Hulu, you are the apple of my eye.  The cream in my coffee.  Glee inspires me to go for my dreams: back up dancer for Britney.

7.  We are getting a puppy by this summer.  So there's that!  Probably not one as cool as this one, but we'll work on it.

8.  I bought this jacket and lost it within 2 days.  I am thinking of putting up signs in my neighborhood.  Devastated.  And I looked better than the model.

9.  Speaking of, our lululemon is rockin at the Galleria and I am LOVING my job.  I learn so much every day about owning a business and it's incredible how much I didn't know I knew how to do.  So blessed.  Come see us June 2 from 7-10 for our grand opening party!  Mechanical bull, BBQ, beer and margs...should be a good time.  Oh and come see us before then too.

10.  The ironman is this weekend in The Woodlands.  Doing an Ironman is one of Devin's BHAGs (big hairy audacious goal), so we're going to watch with lululemon Woodlands at their inspiration station so he can get inspired and make me a nervous wreck someday when he does it.  Good luck to anyone doing it!!!

11.  I need a big fat massage.  Anyone know anyone good in H-town?  And I mean seriously unbelievably good.  Massages are a gamble with me.  I once had a migraine and went in for one only to be put with a blind therapist who could only use one hand.  This is typical of my life.

12.  Artie in a wheelchair could sing a song about a baby to me any day.  Kid has a voice!  Yes, still watching Glee.

13.  Can I ask a question?  Where do you shop?  I have been to every store in America and can't seem to walk out with anything.  This is a problem for me.  I purged my closet of all of my frumpy businessy clothes the other night and am desperate for new clothes

14.  Tell me about Paleo anyone who knows.  Tell me!  And how do you live without CHEESE?!

15.  Did you like your prom?  Sometimes I think I have dimentia.  I don't think it was anything great for me, but I kind of don't remember.  Oh but I do know that I have never been asked to a dance in my life.  This makes Devin so sad.  But really if you think about it, it was a huge advantage because I didn't have to say yes to someone and not really want to go with them; I got to pick.  Ok by now Devin is really sad reading this.  We'll move on.

15.  I went in for new running shoes the other day and was informed that my shoes were the culprit for my knee pain and it was in fact my shoes that kept me from running my marathon.  So, I plan to run my next one barefoot.

So how are you?!?!


  1. LOFT. . .they are having a 30% final clearance sale right now. I buy 'cute work clothes' that can easily transition for fun too. Ok, I think they're cute, but you can be the judge.

  2. Do you remember your prom photographer? How could you forget that?

  3. Answers below:
    8. Love the jacket!
    13. Besides lulu, I shop at Nordstroms Rack and Neiman Marcus Last Call...those are the only two stores I have bought clothes from in the past 5 months.
    14. Paleo is great if you give yourself a break every now and then. I don't ever miss bread, but do miss cheese which is why I eat more Primal than Paleo. Look it up...Primal is just like Paleo only you can have cheese and use cream in recipes ( He also has EXCELLENT cookbooks!

    And MOST importantly...PLEASE DO NOT run barefoot EVER! I know it's the latest craze and I am going to blog about it one day, but I think it is super ridiculous unless you are Kenyan and used to running that way or your have 100% perfect feet!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Love the blog.....especially the title! Made me smile.

    14) If you want some info on Paleo, check out my blog... If you scroll through the archives, you'll see my posts on the Whole 30! Amazing month-long super strict Paleo that I think everybody should try at some point. You'll find out some pretty crazy things about your body and how food treats you.

    15) On the barefoot note, I've been wearing minimalist shoes since December and I love them! Don't run barefoot but check out Inov8 and NB Minimus for some minimalist shoes to run in. Gotta ease into it though :)

    Keep on smilin!


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