Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Dear Husband,

The other night we were working on some paperwork, and you held your hands up L-7 weenie style, measured it to my face, and told me I could be a Lego character.  I can only assume you meant one of theseI think it would be safe to put those on my Christmas list.

Dear lady with the apricot friend running around Rice,

I often run behind you and think we would be friends if I had one too.  And they could be friends.  Someday! 

Dear Crock Pot Dinner,

While I love your convenience on Bible Study Wednesdays, my hands will smell like garlic for the remainder of the day.  I do not enjoy this.

Dear Biggest Loser,

So glad you’re back.  My love for Jillian was beginning to fade into a love for Jackie Warner, and we all know that would be a stab in Jillian’s back.

Dear better half,

Monday night before bed, you stuck your thumb in my mouth and measured the thickness of my chubby cheeks by squishing them between your thumb and pointer.  Then you measured yours and informed me that my cheeks are indeed thicker than yours.  Thank you for loving me despite my inability to lose my baby fat soft cushion mallow face.

Dear Legs,

STELLAR run yesterday.  What the heck was that?!

Dear high of 88,

I’m getting out my winter coat.

Dear Beloved,

Nothing breaks my heart more than listening to you cough, snore, and talk in your sleep when you are down for the count with a cold.  Except the talking in your sleep has nothing to do with being sick.  I am ready for you to feel better so you will pay more attention to me than your netti pot.


Autumn Wife


  1. If you rub your hands on stainless steel (I usually use my sink but they sell little stainless steel rocks), that gets rid of the garlic smell!

  2. I adore this post. And, I laughed out loud about the garlic. I totally put everything in the crock post last night and my hands reeked of garlic. Ick.

    Love the lego comment. You two have the most hilarious conversations.


Hop on the love train