Thursday, September 3, 2009

What I am Filling My Head With

We have to be so careful what we show our eyes and let our ears hear.

He said it himself here.

So, I really strive for this, and I usually fail for whatever reason, and sometimes it is out of our control. I don’t even bother watching the news, or TV at all, because you never know what will flash before your eyes.

So, this is what I am filling my head with…


Roger Cullins leads worship at our church, and he led it with Tommy Lynch at MetroLIVE. His cd is phenomenal…just my style. Very simple, profound lyrics, deep down emotions. My favorites are Follow and Rain Down…but those change pretty much every week. I dig him. And I don’t know if he’s single…that’s always the first question.

“I have 2 brothers”…”are they single?”… “yes, but they’re too crazy for you”

“We’re going to see Devin’s friends” … “any of them single?” … “Yes but unless you want to be a cougar like me (don't you dare burst my bubble), they are way too young for you”

“We have arranged for a new neurosurgeon to take your mom’s case”… “is he single?” … “um, it’s a she.”

It’s weird. Ok, how did I get off on that? To get Roger’s cd, go to his site and there is an itunes link at the bottom. Or, if you are in Houston, you can snag it at First Baptist Church’s new bookstore. Tommy Lynch is also fantastic, and I think his cd is due out this year.

The next thing I am filling my head with:

Only the greatest Bible study teacher ev-er slash one of my favorite authors:

Ms. Beth Moore…


I love this picture because that is SO her. If Beth read this, she would probably croak, but I am 94% sure she doesn’t read this, so we are in the clear.

Speaking of Beth and what we fill our heads with, ladies, listen up. Beth taught me something way before I met, or re-met, my husband that will stick with me forever. Prayer…diligent prayer…is so vital. You should be WORRIED about what is getting into your boyfriend/husband/brother/son’s head. Because when the Devil finds a weak spot, a gap where his mind isn’t guarded, he will use it. So, as the wonderful woman in their life, you should be diligent about praying for their minds. I pray for Devin’s everyday- for his eyes, ears, mind, and heart to be guarded from things of this world. And then I trust that it will be taken care of. Done and done.

Anyways…Beth is starting a study on Revelation at First Baptist (where we just joined last Sunday!) starting next Tuesday (for more info: go to Living Proof). I am stoked except I will miss the first week due to a work conference in Dallas. I fell in love with Revelation and learning all about it when my dad taught my 3rd grade Sunday School class in Amarillo. He taught us some very mature things, and they are things I still remember. None of that make a craft, sing a song, play a game, read a story type stuff. 3rd grade Sunday School was the real deal Holyfield. A full hour of teaching. I loved it.

Dad, will you come teach another class for me? I’ll bring the coffee…

I fell in love with actually deeply studying the Bible and its history and where it all came from and why and from who, etc etc etc when I took Beth’s LIT class last fall. We are called to be competent Christians, you guys, not just Christians who are present in the church, but Christians who know their stuff and can spit it right back!

I am very, very, VERY, VERY blessed to be a member of Beth’s home church, to sit in front of or next to her every Sunday and adore her cute outfits, but most of all, to get to hear and experience her teaching every Tuesday, every semester, face to face.

I will be there every Tuesday night except the 8th. If you want to go, email me (link on the left sidebar)! I am super excited that seester Haven is going to meet me there...anyone else?

For those of you who aren't in Houston, Beth has some great books and studies. If you’re interested, email me and I can give you some suggestions!


Devin and I are leading a Bible study group for our Sunday School class and will be studying Colossians. It’s a small group of people in our boat (newlywed or close to it) and we are excited for the friendships and the study itself!

And somewhere between all of that, I am reading books I have gotten from my lovely bookmooch friends constantly. Devin and I are headed out on a 6 hour drive this weekend (each way)…and I am SO excited for reading time.

That whole garbage in garbage out thing…so very true


  1. Thank you for posting about Roger Cullins! I've never heard of him or heard his music before - this is some great stuff!!!

    I LOVE Beth! She's awesome and stinkin' hilarious!

  2. Hi Steph.
    I stalk your blog. :) Hope you don't mind. Just had to comment because I am obsessed with Beth Moore, too!
    I just finished a Bible study with my group called "Me, Myself and Lies" by Jennifer Rothschild and we are about to start "Esther: It's tough being a woman." by Beth Moore. Super Excited!
    Any-hoo, you and Devin are so cute!
    Take care!
    In Him,
    Stephanie Durand

  3. I am so happy you read the blog!!
    Yes, I was doing me myself and lies...didn't quite finish, but we are going out of town this weekend, so I am hoping to finish it during our road trip!
    Esther is amazing. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. What group do you study with??

  4. Hey! It totally hit me this morning that you may have commented back here! :)
    I study with my sister-in-law, her mom and her sister-in-law.

    I started the study by myself last night... I watched the first video and then I was thinking so much I couldn't fall asleep!

    Anyway, thanks for the Britney invite! It will be fun... see you soon!

  5. Umm can I just make 1 amendment to this post? You would watch the news if I were delivering it, right? If you don't want to see the bad stuff, just wait til after weather.


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