Friday, February 18, 2011

A Friday List for You.

1.  Word of advice.  Do not under and circumstances watch PS I Love You while your man is not home.  Never. cried. so. much. ever.  Worst movie in history for my emotions.

2.  Trying a run this weekend.  I've rested it forever and Jackie and Jillian have killed me enough to crave a run to loosen up those sore muscles.  Note:  if you are injured, do NOT run on your injury.  It will make it so much more long term.  Lesson learned.

3.  I also may or may not but mostly may be picking up my new road bike from here this weekend.  Swoon.  I need a name for her.  She will soon be friends with Ruby.  And any other bikes who want to play.

4.  On Tuesday, I get to start a new chapter of my life.  Excited to wrap this one up.  Here's to the meantime.

5.  My next cookbook purchase

6.  This morning, the man and I discussed this year's apartment garden over breakfast.  It's about that time!  For whatever reason, our tomato plant made it all the way through winter and is thriving as we speak.  Planning to try some herbs again, maybe some peppers.  Oh that I would have my own plot of land for digging.  Someday.  In the meantime, I know just who I can live vicariously through.

7.  2011 seems to be the year of the babies!  I am so happy for all of you sweet friends who will be blessed with a little.  How very exciting!  I have lots of gifts picked out.

Happy weekend, friends.


  1. 1. so true, don't watch terms of endearment alone either
    2. good luck
    3. i'm still a bit scared of bikes, is your lil bro?
    4. brainstorming
    5. hilarious
    6. i love fresh herbs
    7. no baby for me

  2. I saw PS I Love you at the theatre after a big fight and BAWLED all the way thru it. Bawled. I also cried the 2nd time I saw it too.

  3. There have been many a time when I've nearly watched P.S. I Love You while da Hubs was away (saw it orig. In the theater), and thank goodness I haven't bc we can't afford those therapy bills. Sheesh!

    Speaking of P.S.'s, I'm lovin' the new header! And I think Penelope is a good name for your new bici :)

    hope you have a great Monday!


Hop on the love train