Monday, July 18, 2011

How dare they.

After the Barbed Rose, we went over to the beach in Galveston.
And stopped here first.
For baked goods of course.
It's not the most beautiful beach in the world, but we have lots of memories here.
Back in the old days (like last summer...and the summer before...and the day we got engaged) we used to go to the beach all day, and then mooch off an outdoor shower at these really nice condos.
I'm talking full blown shampoo conditioner shower in our bathing suits outside this place.
People would come to rinse their feet off and we'd be all, "Sorry, we're showering".
And then we would go to dinner.
But this year, they built a fence around it.
The nerve.
So we had to go sandy and salty.
Good thing I'm not high maintenance...
Except there are no pictures of me to follow.

1 comment:

  1. fun!! i need a trip to galveston soon. i miss that dirty little place.


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