Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let's talk about boy roommates.

I have this roommate that doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon.  For the most part, I am okay with this, except for a little issue that came up last week. 

One thing you have to know about my boy roommate and myself is that when we go to church we are looking for one thing.  Jesus.  Wait.  No.  2 things.


There had better be a red and white box with a delicious assortment sitting on that table when we walk in, or we start using curse words.

Jokes.  Sorta.

9 times out of 10, when there are donuts, there is not a donut to my liking, and by "to my  liking" I mean one that I will eat and not be mad about it.  I don't go for the glazed or the chocolate or the fritter.

But sweet Moses if there is a cinnamon cake donut in that box, I will absolutely tackle the lady with the walker and clothesline the preggo to get to it.  Cinnamon cake were always my first love.

So you can imagine our excitement when we were asked, in our new Sunday school class, to bring donuts last Sunday morning.  We were ready to show this class how it's done- 2 dozen: 1 glazed, 1 assorted and DONT put one of those nasty cherry with sprinkle donuts in there.  We're not rookies.

On the same Sunday, I was asked to grace the church bookstore with my expertise (sarcasm font) and come early to volunteer (but seriously, it's one of my favorite places to be), so I had to leave the donut recruitment to my boy roommate.  It's a touch and go situation, but I had some faith that he could handle it.

I had one request.  Get the order of perfection for the entire class, but bring me a cinnamon cake donut. 

So he met me at the front of the bookstore before class with boxes in hand.  I grabbed some coffee from the coffee bar inside the store, and we were happy as clams walking down those halls.  My mouth was watering.  I thought of all of the mornings I sat with Goggle at her house in Pagosa Springs, CO eating donuts and drinking coffee (she started me young).  Flip, my life was literally flashing before my eyes and I was okay with going as long as I got to eat the donut first!

And that donut was better than I ever could have fathomed.  But let me tell you why boy roommates are the most awesome of all that is awesome. 

He. got. me. two.

Is there ANYTHING that could make a Monday better than A CINNAMON CAKE DONUT?!?!
Answer: no.

So after class we headed out to go to the service, and I had to take a pit stop.  After church, I was thinking of how much I love that book store and which books I want need and how much I love our church and how much I love my man and how much I was going to love on those Iraqi kids we were planning to play with all week and mostly I was thinking, at the time, about that donut.

And I noticed my boy roommate did not have the bag that held my precious nugget anymore.

So I asked..."Um.  Where's my other donut?"

"I ate it while you were in the bathroom".

And that is why boy roommates are sometimes not awesome and donut clauses should be in your prenup.


Hop on the love train