Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The good stuff from the weekend


  1. I just started following (and recently have become obsessed with) your blog and I'm pretty sure that you are A. The most adorable thing I've ever seen and B. You and your husband are the cutest little married couple ever (besides my fatty and I of course.)I'm loving that last picture (great one of you and the hubs) and love that the bride is like "Peace out, me, my tambourine and my man are 'bout to make some sweet ass music/love!" Adorable!

  2. Love the pictures! I just posted some classics of you and Devin on facebook. I miss you guys. And Texas.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. I am so happy you and Devin were there to share the day with us. Love you guys!


Hop on the love train