Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday shows himself through a coworker

Lady I work with: [while patting her stomach] You.  You, uh, you got something?

Me: Pardon?

LIWW: You got something to say?  You pregnant?

Me: Um. No.  I am not.

LIWW: Oh!  [giggle giggle giggle] Just checking because it just sort of looks like you are [giggle giggle giggle]

And then I quit my job and ripped all of my hair out.

While I am used to this sort of comment from the 94 billion mothers I have here at work who rarely think about what they are saying to me, this particular person is was seemingly sane enough to know that this is probably not an appropriate thing to say.  I only wish I could write her off as a senile old lady with no filter!

But I do find it funny that as I am reading a book about insecurity, I get this extremely far-fetched crap from someone I think so highly of.  Kiss my grits, lady.

If you are a female, you need to get this book.  It will change your world, I promise.

** I am not fishing for compliments here.  Just, like, think before you say something.  Or something.  And get the book.  Those are my points.**


  1. How completely bogus! You don't even have a tummy pooch. BTW, thanks so much for the reminder! I need to get my copy of that book. It comes out tomorrow, right?
    I want to read it along with the lproof gals:)

  2. :) What's the saying? Like water on a duck's back?

    The book came out last Tuesday, I believe, but snatch it up soon and you'll be good to go with the LPM blog

  3. Stephanie,
    I think everyone should be banned from ever asking a question like that. Even when I was pregnant I got offended that someone would actually point it out. That is why I don't go to a certain grocery store in Midtown anymore (one of the baggers asked me when I was due and proceeded to stare at my stomach for a good 3 minutes, and ok, I was pregnant, but I thought it was RUDE!)

  4. Yes! I just kept thinking "Shouldn't you be sure about something like that before saying that?" and I thought a lot of other things.

  5. Off to check out the book!

    And people can be so dumb! :P

  6. Fortunately I've never been asked this. Why the hell would you ask someone if they were pregnant if you weren't sure?! Unless someone looks like they are about to pop, holding a baby outfit and talking about their due date, I never assume.

  7. Seth,
    I just spit ice all over my computer. WHAT? A checker asked me 2 weeks ago if I was JUST having one. When I said yes, she said, "Whoa!" Maybe those people only have half a brain. Sure seems like it.

  8. I had a lady pat my stomach Saturday. Not. Pregnant.


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