Thursday, February 25, 2010


I am going to the mountains tomorrow.


I'll tell you where.  Someplace warm.  A place where the beer flows like wine.  Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.  I'm talking about a little place called...anybody??

The last time I thought it was a good idea to put slippery things on my feet and slide down the snow was when I was8 years old.

Pray for me.

Pray for my tailbone.

Pray for my husband for the times I flip out and scream at him to get me off of this mountain NOWWWWUH!

But seriously, I am going to Shaun White that mountain.

Ok now I'm being serious because, let's be honest,  Shaun White does'nt spend the majority of the time on his butt.

I'm excited to get away with our friends.  To play in the snow (this is where my northern friends start to gag as they are so sick of snow they could jab their eyes out). To be away from work.  To detatch from life a little.  And needless to say, I am taking off from the blogorama for a few days.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. ASPEN!

    Hadn't heard a good Dumb & Dumber reference in a while... Nice.

    Have fun!


Hop on the love train