Friday, February 5, 2010

My dream has not died.

You would think that my silence about my chubbiest-cloud-above-my-head (think thought bubble) dream would mean that I had given up.  I am here to assure you, friends, that this dream has not died.

There will be a day when I will own one.

There will be a day when I will zip around this city in and out of texters while drivers, and as I pass I will flip their side-view mirrors to scare them (sort of like when Eric did it Hanzel and Gretel style to get home from the bars).  I won't really do this, I just wanted to make fun of Eric.

There will be a day when people will say oh look how cute you are with the thing and the matching and the cuteness

There will be a day when friends ask me for a ride, just so they can quote Dumb and Dumber

And, I hope, there will be a day when DC will say, "Ok".

Oh glorious day.

Slow down super excellent picture of extremely talented motorized vehicle operator!

DC has some logical reasons for not getting me a scooter that I do not understand.  Like, why would he tell me the other night to take flying lessons with our helicopter pilot friend, but I cannot put around town on this?  I do not know.

In my plea for a scooter, I present Exhibit A (irrelevant side note: I don't have any other exhibits)

Slow down super excellent picture of me driving a go-cart my grandpa made for us SLASH super cute picture of baby brother in jammer pants looking scared for his life!

That thing went so fast.  At least for a kid.  So if Papa let me do that, I know that, if he was here, he would fully support my scooter desires. He might have even built me one himself.  Just saying.

(This is where my cousin Michelle should NOT comment about the time I threw her off of this thing)

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