Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dave Ramsey & I would get along just fine.

I want to invite him over to our apartment

pour him some coffee

and talk for hours.

This will do for now.  This is where my love for his wisdom begins.


  1. we heart mister ramsey too. drew and i did the total $$ makeover when we were paying off schools loans and cars a few years ago. also heard him speaking in atlanta @ catalyst last year. good stuff.

  2. i want to read his book. no car payments over here...no new cars either!!

  3. nice, a speaker who recently gave a finance seminar at our church gave this same advice. good looking out dave ramsey and stephanie!

  4. Be careful to what extent you take his advice. It's good if your in debt and trying to get back on your feet, but once you're back on your feet, look for more sophisticated advice. I am well off now, but wouldn't be had I followed Dave Ramsey's advice all my life.


Hop on the love train