Friday, June 26, 2009


Devin and I have been going to MetroLIVE on Thursday nights. We like it because the music is so kickin' that it makes Devin lean over to me and whisper, "I want to be a rock star" every single time, the speaker, Curtis Jones, relates to us really well, and they are very involved in missions (particularly Charasia, Star of Hope, and Lifehouse). If you're in the Houston area and you're in your 20s or 30s, come check it out.

Last night, the President and Founder of Charasia, Ralph Borde, came to talk about how the ministry was started and what they do. Charasia is an organization in India that, in short, brings children of prostitutes out of the red light district and into a life of education. Ralph told some stories that just make you want to crumble: the one about a little girl who was raped by her father and wants to go to med school after she graduates, or the one about the toddler sleeping under the cot that her mother was servicing her clients on. Heart breakers. Devin and I bought a dress and some shoes to send with Ralph to give one of the little girls something new to wear. You can make monetary donations, donate your time or skills, or sponsor one of the children.

Americans have the same stories, guys. Human trafficking, prostitution, children being sold into prostitution, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse. It happens all the time. It happens in the city, it happens in your small town, it happens in the suburbs, and it may be happening to your next door neighbor. We are naive to think it doesn't. Violence UnSilenced is a blog where those abused (men, women, children) can write their story that happened yesterday or 20 years ago in hopes of healing, venting, or just knowing they aren't alone. If you can stomach the stories, I encourage you to take a look at what's going on behind closed doors. Get curious. Be informed.


  1. seth and dev-

    i just saw your link on facebook and hopped on over. how do you feel about me adding you to my blog list so i can keep up with you crazy kids? we need to get together sometime in the near future. i hope that you are enjoying your new chapter in life.

  2. Thank you so much for this really powerful post. You are so right, it is everywhere around us and people need to realize that; posts like this help so much. Thank you!


Hop on the love train