Friday, January 8, 2010

Hubbub Hubbub Hubbub

It’s almost the weekend, and I’m fighting a sore throat. Here’s some random hubbub.

This website is a lot like BookMooch, but it’s for movies. Save some money, trade your flicks.

This guy is getting his sentence today. You can read the full article, but in short, this physician in California has the most ridiculous case of road rage and decides to get in front of some cyclists and slam on his brakes. The cyclists have pressed charges, and this guy is going to jail. I thought I’d get the word out in case you’re one of those road rage freaks, or someone who honks and yells at a cyclist for no reason. Stop it.

How many calories do you need a day? What is your ideal weight? What is your body mass index? Do you know? I do.

If you’re in Houston and actually own winter clothing, they are working on the Extreme Home Makeover house this weekend and need your help.

Ice and snow

The best time to snag it

I am off call, and I can fully separate myself from my job. And I am spending the freezing weekend with some coffee, a book, my camera, the Volvo, and the best: my man. Please, do not interrupt.


  1. 1. That is such an awful story about the California man and the cyclists! I can't stand when people have no respect for cyclists or runners. I think half the time the people driving are pissed because they're the one sitting in their car doing nothing, while we are trying to get some exercise and do the things we love. Sorry..had to vent.

    2. BMI sucks and does not take in account muscle mass. So, it may tell you that you're a fatty when in fact, it's muscle. Don't listen to what it told you. It's a poor estimation.

    3. Have a great weekend! :)

  2. The lifehacker article is so key. That is being saved in my bookmarks as we speak. I hope running shoes can be counted into bikes and sporting gear. Hence, is Feb marked on Devin's calendar for buying.

    The food thing is also great. Helps with our seasonal eating goals!


Hop on the love train