Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You Are What You Eat...In Which Case, I am Mostly a Box of Hot Tamales.

As stated in my 2010 goals, DC and I are attempting to clean out our fridge/pantry and start eating food that has less ingredients (the semi-flexible rule is 5 ingredients or less), and we are trying to buy more local and more organic. I have to tell you, it has been amazing cleaning out the pantry. Seriously, if we're going to clear it out and not be wasteful, it is completely necessary for me to eat the entire box of Hot Tamales. and the bag of Light Lays Ruffles. and everything else. You could say I am making great sacrifice to get us started on the right foot.

Saturday morning we made our way to 2 farmers markets. Bliss for this one right here. Bliss. I love them. I love the people, I love the farmers, I love the coffee...

market 1

But I mean he had to be the weirdest barista I'd ever seen. No matter, Katz coffee is superb. I look frumptastic. Wait, I remember why. DC and I woke up and I'm like "Let's get it over with and go to the store (before we thought to check out the FMs)" and he's all "LET'S GO IN OUR PAJAMAS!!!" like a 6 year old who ate his whole Halloween candy bowl in one sitting. Oh wait, that's DC every day. Lord help me when we have children. But anyway, I thought it would be fun, but mostly funny, and then I walk in the bedroom to get shoes and he's all "I think maybe I'll put on jeans". Anyway, pointless story short, I threw this on and that's why I look like a bag lady.

We found some really delish stuff that you can't find in the grocery store. I mean you can find lettuce and stuff in the grocery store, but it's not this fresh or big or fun.





green maters

One of these things is not like the other. These tomatoes are to die for. DC and I could each eat a tomato for dessert.

We're working on figuring out what to do with everything we bought. We have some research to do, some books to read (like Mark Bittman's Food Matters), and some trial and error to get through.

Eat your heart out.


  1. I am SO jealous of that farmer's market. I am excited that we are being food conscious for 2010!

  2. I am also super jealous! Our Farmer's Market runs from April-October, and I was just staring out my window into the cold gray day the other day, wishing it was Farmer's Market season.

  3. HOLD UP????? You went outside..... at this time of year.... without a snuggie??? We have an indoor farmer's market through the winter, but everything has to be shipped in because we live in the tundra. Kinda defeats the purpose.

    Dear Spring, please come soon. XOXO Kim

  4. Kim, I live in Houston. I think that day it was 55 or so. So, yes, I was outside...I go running at night. Never too cold. You and your snuggies crack me up!! Come visit and warm up in Texas.


Hop on the love train