Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And more Christmas partying

The best white elephant- a house full of newlyweds giving away their worst wedding gift.


Awful.  That is a statue of 2 hands- one putting a ring on the other.
We saw some pretty bad stuff.  
Frilly albums, bad picture frames, terrible candlesticks.  
It was pretty much bad.
Except Devin and I walked away with brand new Logitech computer speakers.
There was a couple from Denmark who got them as a gift and couldn't take them back with them.
The only thing better would have been if we walked away with the papers to that house.

That was my game face to steal the speakers.  Don't mess.

And how could I have forgotten to post these pictures from Lights in the Heights!

This looks way too much like this

and then...

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember when Coach Krouse had us over to her house for the golf holiday party. . .I wish we blogged then because I'm pretty sure it was hilarious.


Hop on the love train