Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The bike is finito!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The End of Soup Season
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hot Off The Press!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Grease Monkey
Thursday, March 25, 2010
High above the chimney top; that's where you'll find me
We've got a good new recipe we're trying tonight. We're going to make it lighter than it says to, and I'll post it tomorrow
Rent and Wicked are both coming to Houston this summer. So. excited. to maybe see one or both. My Pandora is on my Rent station, and if you like the show Glee, you should tune in; they play all of their songs, too. They also play Lion King songs. And all the girly Disney songs that I don't know but my husband and Will Dietz know every word to. Including dialogue.
My dad got us opening day tickets to the Astros. 2 rows above their dugout. The day after our one year anniversary. The day after we get back from a stellar weekend away. DC doesn't know where we're going. I'm taking opening day off to prepare my head for the game. By that I mean sleep in, clean up camping stuff (he knew that part), go for a run or a bike ride, meet my parents early, have a good beer ready for DC when he meets up with us.
Everyone is having a spring sale. Lucy, Banana Republic, Gap, New Balance, Nine West, Nike...just some of the emails I got this morning. Don't pay full price for things. So silly. I need new clothes. Don't you roll your eyes, Devin Michael. The spring colors make me want to throw away everything I have. I tend to fill up an online basket with completely reasonable purchases and then x out of it when I can't find a free shipping code. Someone who is addicted to shopping and easily charges things on their credit card, please come help me. Wait...
Every day I get off of the train and everyone who rode with me jumps off of the ramp into the middle of the street just so they don't have to walk an extra 20 feet to the crosswalk. One day, 10 cops stood on the other side and gave them all tickets. But they still do it. Yesterday I was driving home in the rain. 2 lanes were stopped, but my left turn only lane was flying. By flying I mean 20 mph or so. A woman jaywalked through the 2 stopped lanes and stepped right in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes, she froze, and it ended way too close for comfort. I haven't stopped thinking about that lady and how me going 5 mph faster could have affected both of us for life. Follow the rules so people don't get hurt. Crosswalks are at every block. Don't be lazy. There's your public service announcement.
I am seriously loving (still) Lisa's stuff. But there are some look alikes on etsy. Love the owls. and birds. and hearts. I love all 3 of those.
We're looking for a writing desk for our bike room / study. Think rustic, vintage, quaint, think THIS!!! If you find one somewhere, send it my way. Hopefully we can get that room in some sort of order eventually. Anyone have a knack for meticulous organization? I'll hire you. And pay you with wine or beer. Or free bike maintenance. I'm organized, but I didn't know what was coming when I said yes to a man with so many bikes, bike tools, bike clothes, bike shoes.
Anyone who is dating a cyclist, please talk with me prior to further commitment, so I can coach/prepare/medicate you.
The Bayou City Art Festival is this weekend. The weather should be gorgeous. We're planning to put our herbs outside for some good sun this weekend. Everything has sprouted except our peppers. The ones I was most excited for.
Do you Groupon? Good stuff. Tempting stuff.
Happy Thursday, Party People.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
No stupid munching
Part of living a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy...truly is education. If you aren't educated about what you're eating, you're most likely going to eat something completely terrible for you. Example. I have a coworker who is "On a diet". This coworker ate a large caesar salad for lunch the other day and was all chatty Cathy about how light she ate. She might as well have had a Big Mac, because they have just about the same amout of calories, fat, and sodium.
Here are some resources to get you edumacated about what you're eating, because it's not all about fat content either:
Jillian talks chemicals in food, containers, and kitchen cleaners
The Daily Plate can help you scope out your food before you eat it
The 10 worst sandwiches you can eat
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Rice and Raisins! Who woulda thunk it?!
When DC and I did our 10k last Saturday, we sprinted across the finish line and immediately bee-lined it to the vendor tents. We got our tshirts, some breakfast tacos, apples, water, and some Mojo bars. The thing was, I had just run 6.2 miles and I didn't want any of that except water. Until we went by the Minute rice tent and sampled this gloriously amazing post-race / post-work out snack.
So, start with some brown rice. You can definitely use instant, and just follow the directions on the box.
BUT! When it says to boil the water, instead of water, you are going to use apple juice.
This! just! got! interesting! (Name the show? Seriously name the show because I can't think of it)
When it's done, mix it up with some raisins
Drizzle some honey on it and eat.
Y'all seriously. It's delicious. Best post-workout snack EVA.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Grow Great Grub Winner!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Some Girls Get "Just Because" Flowers.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Small Space Garden, Stage 1
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring has sprung and #21 is done
Friday, March 12, 2010
Some reviews and other hubbub
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Guest Blogger Questions Answered
Running shoes are the most important component in your entire running arsenal. The choice of shoe also varies from person to person due to foot shape, arches, the way you run, and so many other factors. Because of this, I always hesitate to recommend a certain shoe or even brand, because what works for me may not work for you. The best advice I can give is to look up where your local running store is and pay them a visit. A mass market sporting goods chain will not do because their sales people are not knowledgeable in the specifics of running. A specialty running store staffs people whose first passion is running, so they want to find the best shoes that work for you. Let them know a few things before they start the process, such as price range, mileage, any running goals, and any lingering pain issues, such as your ankles. They will take a look at your feet and ask you to run a bit, so they can get a sense of your stride. This is the best way to find yourself in running shoes that are completely comfortable and supportive to your ankles and the rest of your body! Once you find a pair you love, you can order your next pair online, which may save you a few dollars and a trip to the store. Finally remember to get new shoes after you run/walked between 400-500 miles in them. It may sound like a lot of miles, but trust me, all your running adds up!
(Note from Stephanie: Amanda, I would love to train you! Give me a few months!! Also, I have never used the Nike pod thing, but my Garmin watch is fantastic at doing exactly what you described)
Maggie asked: How do you get over the training hump of 6 miles? When I get to mile 6, it seems that my knees give out.
Getting over a mileage hump can be tough. It can be both a physical and mental barrier. When I started my long runs, I foolishly thought that if I stopped to walk or stretch for a short amount of time, I was cheating on the run. Thankfully I learned it is just the opposite. Sometimes a short break can help us better complete the run. If you find yourself having trouble going beyond 6 miles, it may be beneficial to insert a short break within your run. If you do not normally warm up, try running a mile and then stopping for a few minutes to stretch the areas of your legs that are tight before continuing on. Another option could be to stop halfway through your run for a 1-2 minute walk break. You can even insert these breaks after every mile or two. It helps with the mental aspect of your run, as you can break your runs into smaller segments. Finally another way to try to get through all of your mileage is to start off at a slower pace than normal for at least the first half of your run. This may put less stress on your legs and allow you to complete the distance. Training barriers like these are only temporary. You will break through it and leave 6 miles in the dust in no time!
Keep the questions for Kristan coming!! (PS you can check her out here flying past some guys...and she will probably hate me for that) Remember the giveaway ends tomorrow at 5pm central so get those comments and questions in (on the original post) asap to enter!
Monday, March 8, 2010
We are officially debt free.
Car paid off.
Completely necessary for health and safety and comfort and sanity purchase paid off.
And it feels so good!!!
And now I am going shopping.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Guest Blogger and a Giveaway!
Running is my pastime and my passion. And I truly believe anyone can be a runner. So you can imagine my excitement when Stephanie started to run as well! As Steph and many other runners move beyond the 5K realm onto 10K’s and relays (and perhaps a marathon soon…I hope!), training runs inevitably get longer, with your longest run usually falling on the weekends. How should you tread into this new mileage territory? Are there things to eat or wear that make your running life easier? I think so. Here are a few of my favorites:
Eating and Drinking on the run- And no. I do not mean a burger and one hand and a beer in the other. Let’s start with hydration. As the warm weather fast approaches, it is more and more important to stay properly hydrated on runs. This means that if you are running for over 45 minutes in warm weather, it is time to strap on the energy belt. It is typically a strap that Velcros around your midsection and holds 2-4 water bottles, as well as a pouch for food, ID, cell phone, or other run essentials. It will not be your most fashionable accessory, and it does add a bit of weight to your run, however, having your water right on your hip during your summer run is a valuable resource! My favorite is the Road Runner Sport 2 Energy Speed Belt. It is the running equivalent of my huge satchel purse; I can pack everything I would ever need for a run and zoom away. If you prefer a smaller bottle, there are also hand held water bottles as well, like the Nathan Quick Draw. If you are a true outdoors person, you may own a Camelback pack, which works just as well!
Eating on the run is a bit trickier. Before I started long runs, I never had any clue that you had to take in calories during a run, what to eat, or even when to eat. A rule of thumb is if you are running over 45 minutes, then you should have some sort of energy intake, either right before you start running or 30 minutes into the run. My preferred method of energy intake: GU Gels.
If you have never used it before, Gu is a packet of instant energy that sort of tastes like frosting. If the thought of eating a frosting like substance is not appealing, you can get energy in the form of fruit snacks like Gu Chomps. And if you want to go for an even simpler option, gummy bears can help give you some much needed sugar in the middle of your run. Enjoy it! Where else can you get a free pass to consume gummy bears?! Gu gels are the most portable and best way to get your energy mid run. Just two warnings: 1. Try any sort of gel or chews on a training run before you ever use it in a race to make sure it works without causing any discomfort. 2. Stop running as you eat it, because attempting to do everything at once may result in a tumble. This may seem obvious, but this also may have happened to me. Moving on…
Running Socks – Running socks will change your life. I discovered this when I was away from home and about to go on a run, but had forgotten socks. A quick trip to the local running store and $10 later (yes, more on that in a second) saved me. When I returned from my sweaty stinky summer run (glamorous, right?), I took off my socks, and my feet were dry. Bone dry! Not a drop of sweat! I may have made everyone feel my feet because I was so excited. Yes, I know that is weird. Am I the only one who finds this exciting? Other than my weird excitment about dry feet, running socks have other benefits. They hug your foot, offering compression and arch support. Special running socks offer no movement during runs, which is another cause of foot irritation. They offer slightly more cushioning on your runs. The wicking material that keeps your feet dry also keeps them odor free, so you won't clear the room when you remove your running shoes! Alas, let's get to the one uncomfortable part of special running socks: the price. Yes, they are expensive. And yes you can go to Target and buy 5 of their socks for the price of one pair of Feetures socks (my favorites). This is certainly a valid concern, so I suggest just buying one pair to try at first, and save them for your longer runs on the weekends. This is how I started, and I became hooked. Hi, my name is Kristan and I am a running sock addict.
Body Glide- While we are on the topic of irritation, I have a true story for you. I ran my first marathon last fall and was rather perplexed to find tubs of Vasoline with popsicle sticks pocking out of it at the start. Any questions I had about why I would find this here were answered when the other runners started globbing it all over themselves. Communal Vasoline not your thing? Thank goodness for Body Glide.
While running in warm weather, you will find that some of your running attire may rub you the wrong way and cause irriatation. Remember the episodes of the Office where Any Bernard experiences some bleeding during the Dunder Miffilin Fun Run?
Yeah, you want to avoid that. In addition to respecting your personal space and your health, Body Glide helps you avoid any discomfort/chafing that may occur while running. It looks like a little stick of deodorant and it glides right on. Rub it on feet, legs, arm pits, anywhere. Don’t be shy about buying it. Irritation happens to the best of us.
Finally, the best way to learn more about running is to be open to experimenting with what works best for you on your runs, as well as not being afraid to ask questions to other more experienced runners. I am always learning from other runners around me and can assure you that no question is stupid, inappropriate, or too gross. For those of you who like to read, The Runner’s World Complete Book of Women’s Running is a great resource.
In addition I cannot go on enough about the benefits of running with others. If you are currently running solo, go to the Road Runner’s Club of America website and find a club near you. Joining a club and meeting new people can truly be a life changing experience.
Seriously good stuff!
And lucky for you, I am giving one super lucky reader a copy of The Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running, a stick of Body Glide, and some Gu-u-u!
4 ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment with your absolutely cannot do without exercise/fitness item
2. Twitter this giveaway-o-rama. Leave a comment that you did so
3. Blog this giveaway and link back to this post. Leave a comment that you did so
4. Leave a question for Kstan in a separate comment. It could be a running question, question about her marathon, how she trained, or about her love for roosters.
Giveaway deadline is Wednesday, March 10 at 5pm central. This is my first giveaway, so if no one decides to enter, I am keeping the stuff for myself.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Aspen Snowmass Give Me My Heart Back

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Me gusto enchiladas, ay yay yay yayyyy! Arriba.
This particular time, I made ground turkey enchiladas.