Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Me gusto enchiladas, ay yay yay yayyyy! Arriba.

Enchiladas are, like, the easiest thing to make.  Ever.  Maybe.

I don't typically toot my own horn, or any horn for that matter, but I make some freakin' good enchiladas.  Ladies, especially if you are lacking in the cooking-skills-making food for your husband/boyfriend/fiance market, make these ladas and you will be a goddess who rules the brain of your man.

As usual, I don't have a solid recipe to share (see black bean hummus).  So, try to stick with me here.

Drizzle some oil in a pan and throw in whatever spices you want your meat to taste like.  That's what sh...never mind.  I think I used chili powder and garlic something and some other things.  You can use whatever you want.
This particular time, I made ground turkey enchiladas.

DO NOT! knock it until you try it.  If you try to be health conscious as we do, make sure to get the extra lean turkey.  Sometimes people are all, "Oh I'll be all healthy and get turkey", and then they don't read the package and end up buying the turkey who spent his whole life at the bar drinking beer and eating pub food and then stumbled home and stopped at the pizzeria every night.

Throw the meat in and cook it until it is mostly not pink.  You're going to cook it again, so if it's not completely done, it's not the end of the world.  No need to throw it against the wall and cry because you are the worst cook in the history of America.  Not that I've done that.

If you want to make pulled chicken ladas, throw some chicken breasts in boiling water for about 10-30 minutes.  Look, I don't know how long I boil them for, so just sort of watch until they are done aka not pink in the middle.  Then get them out and pull them with a fork.  If you don't know how to pull chicken, email me.

Next, open the wine.

It would be pretty cool if I could say I make enchiladas with wine somehow, but, it's simply to drink while you cook.  It will make it so much more relaxing, I promise.  Some of my favorite alone time is spent cooking with some wine and DC's ipod playing in the living room.

This one was on sale at Central Market and it ended up being delicious.

And since DC wasn't home yet, Rico Paco Manuel Eduardo kept me company.  Courtesy of Jellie.

Ok so while your meat is a rockin' in the pan, you need to decide what else you want to put in these bad boys.  If you just want meat and cheese, that's fine, you can be boring and remind me of a friend in elementary school who would only eat cheese enchiladas and mac n cheese.  And chicken nuggets.  Or you can pull stuff from your fridge and make this interesting and be a more intriguing person to me.  It's up to you.

As you can see, I have chosen some mushrooms (I can't believe it either, but I am really starting to enjoy them), chopped cilantro, TONS of chopped onion because I love them and I am cooking so I do whateva I want, and green pepper which would not normally be a choice of mine, but I needed to use them before they went bad.  When your meat is done, put it in a large mixing bowl, then throw your veggies in the leftover meat-cooking-juice-goodness.  Cook them down until they are pretty soft.

While the veggies cooked, I threw in some green chilies I had leftover.  Leftover from what, I have not one clue, but I like me some spice, so they were perfect.

When everything is cooked up and lookin' good, mix it all together in a big bowl.  I added half a bag of fat free (you can find some kinds that melt...some don't) cheese

and you can add half a can, or a whole can of enchilada sauce (I used some cans of medium and some of hot) if you want.  I didn't add it to my bowl because I realized half way through that I didn't have enough of it and it's more crucial to use it for the top of them.  Just, like, add some srirachi or some tobasco or something.  Or, if you're a wimp and don't like spice, I don't know what to tell you.  Just leave it I guess.

Then just stuff them with the mixture, roll em up, and put them seam side down in a pan.  Check out those tortillas.  We get them at Central Market (non-Texans, this is like Whole Foods) freshly made.  They're usually still warm in the bag.  Delish.

After every layer, you want to pour some enchilada sauce on them.  If you leave any spots dry, it will be crunchy after they cook.

I did one layer of the jalapeno tortillas and one of some whole wheat tortillas.  Then, cover every inch with enchilada sauce and cheese.  Put a humongous piece of foil loosely on top and cook in the oven (maybe on 350?) for about 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted.

While they cook, drink some wine and chop up some tomatoes, more cilantro, get out the sour cream, and anything else you want on top

You can also whip up some guac and chips for your man who is still at work makin that change to provide for your ridiculous shopping habit slash your amazing trip to the mountains.


And then, devour.

This really makes too much food for DC and myself, so we freeze about half of it and eat it during a week when, say, we have returned from an excellent vacay and have not one grocery in the place.


  1. Looks delicious although ... fat free cheese???????? That is ... well ... no. But everything else --- yeah!

  2. Girl those look deeelish. And I thought mine looked good. LOL we use the lean ground turkey for almost everything too! I've come to like it much better than beef, well most the time. :) thanks for some killer ideas :)

  3. Those look so good. And fresh tortillas- ahhhh! That has to be amazing! I am so jealous of that. Your mushroom eating has also inspired me to give them a shot.

  4. ayayaya indeed. I love your titles. Those look delish.


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