Friday, October 15, 2010


Dear Husband,

Sometimes I like to spice up my Friday morning. Sometimes that means driving to work in our party glasses from the Jellie wedding and dancing in the parking lot. Hopefully these are some of the reasons that you married me.

You are leaving me this weekend to go play mountain bikes with all of your boyfriends. I am jealous of the food you will have there. Also, Dan, can we split the winnings? I made the pies. Unless they’re gross…then Devin made the pies.

While you’re gone I have very exciting, secret, scandalous plans.

Things like reading without interruption. Side eye.

Things like 13 mile runs at 6am on a Saturday. This will include me waking up at 5, turning ALL of the lights on, making coffee in the loud coffee pot, and perhaps turning on some inspirational jams. Like Seal.

Things like a delicious dinner with the birthday kids.

Let’s stay concussion free and clothed this weekend, k?



  1. When I put on my crazy glasses Rick politely tells me, "Please don't wear those"...ugh! But I guess I could wear them in my own car :)

    Sounds like your marathon training is going well! Kudos!

  2. getting ready for an early run and not having to tip toe around sleeping people sounds amazing :)


Hop on the love train