Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get Back Honky Cat

This morning I drove to work with the windows down, sun roof open, blaring “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”.  I’m awesome.

My husband is leaving me for the Mountain Man.  Man crush extreme.

I made these last night.  PW lies.  It took at least 3 hours.  But they are oh…oh so good.  I didn’t attempt to make them healthy like I do most cookie recipes (then again those never turn out well), so I guess they are pretty terrible for you.  Yeah, they are.  I couldn’t believe how much stuff I was putting in there, especially because I doubled the batch for our party tonight.  And then I had one for breakfast with my coffee.

Get some 31 bits.  I have one.  It’s awesome

We are SO craving a dog.  We need one.  Drat you, $800 pet deposit.  If you need a dog sitter, please call us.


  1. 1) I just saw an AWESOME recipe for those same whoopie pies that may be a little healthier. I'm going to post it to your facebook.

    2) You DO NOT want a god. Granted, I'm not speaking from experience, but if you did get one get ready to say goodbye to any freedom you have of leaving town and not having to pay someone to kennel your dog, watch them, feed them, etc. Get a cat, you can be gone all weekend and it wouldn't even notice!

  2. My sister informed me that you can pay for a dog on installment plan. Like a mattress or car or something. That feel weird.

    Also come up here and take care of Will's family's dogs for a weekend. Or 3 hours. That will cure the longing. Until I see dogs at the park and then it comes right back.

  3. You can keep my doggies whenever you want! ;-)
    I am all for you getting a dog! You never regret it... they are too sweet! :-) Just make sure you get one that can run with you so Sadie and your future doggie can hang out at BON on Tuesdays :)

  4. - I'm with you, Melisa. We like to pick up and go. Dogs come with kids maybe. And they're expensive
    - Kstan my friend in college paid off a dog in about 3 yrs. Unreal.
    - Steph I would love a dog to run with. Hope your puppy is getting better

  5. next time we go outta town... you can lab & cabin sit for us. our dog is kinda awesome, just so you know. :)

  6. oh, and my word verification on my last comment was "colon". hmm.


Hop on the love train