Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome to Jerryland


Lu and I went up to Dallas for a Cowboys game with my aunt and Goggle, who came from Las Cruces.

My whole life I have been raised to hate the Cowboys.

I have never known why though.

Anyway, the stadium is incredible and is home to the largest screen ever I think?



 group We had amazing seats. 

My uncle has season tickets. 

He lives in New Mexico. 

That’s pretty die hard if you ask me.


Cowboys lost by a millimeter.  Such a great game though!

gog with tattoo 87 years old.

Biggest football fan alive.

We had a BLAST.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the Jerrydome that day ! Except for the Aggie game...[sigh]...

    Hope you enjoyed the ginormousness of it all!


    --Katie M.


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