Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Dear Husband,

Has it been a year and a half? Time flies when your life is a constant dance party with your best friend in ze world. Best year and a half of my friggin’ life.

Thank you for your forgiveness and for giving me constant grace so I can try to get better at communicating with you. I totally sucked at that last week. I swear I cannot wrap my mind around the amount of patience you have for me.

This weekend, when the big cheese tried to ruin my life, you totally upped your game and made it one of the best weekends in our matrimonial history. Thank you for your support when I want to walk STORM out of there. Thank you for your flexibility. Thank you for remembering I am a spa addict (a total understatement). Thank you for being patient. Thank you for understanding. Most importantly, thank you for the vodka cranberry you had waiting for me.

Bottoms up,


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