Tuesday, August 3, 2010

She Got Her Daddy’s Car and She Cruised Through the Hamburger Stand Now

If you ask my dad where he wants to get dinner, even if it’s celebrating his birthday/ a raise/ 30th wedding anniversary, he will say Whataburger every time.


For as long as I can remember, any time my mom was out of town or gone for the evening, he would take us to Whataburger for dinner.  I always thought he was saying WATERburger (that’s a Texas accent for ya) and imagined the drive through worker dipping my burger in a sink full of water, then wrapping it up and handing it to me out the window.  But how could it be dry when I opened it?!?!  That was such a mystery to me as a kid.  By kid, I mean until I was, like, 19. 

We ate Whataburger all the time, and I’m not even mad about that memory.  In fact, it’s one of my favorites. 


When I see that orange and white, I think of my dad, windows down on Old Blue, riding on the bench next him, singing to the beach boys, picking up lunch for the fam.

I love that.

Random fact- in College Station, TX where Texas A&M is, their Whataburger is painted maroon and white.  Because UT’s colors are orange and white.  It’s unnecessarily excessive.


Are you wondering why I have pictures of a burger and fries?

OV06 trip to Texas.  Stolen from Sgt. Lauren Hugel, U.S. Navy Attorney at Law/ Badass.  Hugel I forgot your real title, but I think the one I made sounds pretty hard core.  Kind of like Dr. Cardella, Medicine Woman.

So the point here is, if you wear orange today (buck up Aggies) to Whataburger between 5-8pm, your Whataburger is on the house.

And I am livid that I didn’t plan ahead and had sliders last night.

But probably not as mad as the people reading this who don’t live in Texas and henceforth do not have a Whataburger.


  1. Until I met Rick, I always thought Whataburger was pronnounced "WATER" burger, too. Guess it shows how much I really paid attention to the name while I was stuffing my face.

  2. I thought it was waterburger too.

    OMG I happen to be wearing orange and white today. Well Coral, but it's pretty close.

    This is sooo tempting, but not on my diet.

  3. I am not absolutely certain that my kids (30 and 24) don't STILL pronounce it water-burger. Maybe we should suggest a name change to the powers that be? ;)

  4. thought I saw something posted today about free 'Waterburgers' from like 4-7 if you wear orange.....is that for real?

  5. I would rather pay then wear those wretched colors...

  6. I am now craving Whataburger. Unfortunately, there is no Whataburger for millions of miles. Or at least hundreds.

    LTJG Lauren Hugel, JAG Corps, US Navy
    (you were close)

  7. There are what-a-burgers in Florida too! A terrible thing for me to befriend! ;)

  8. Maybe making ALL Whataburgers (except the one in CS) orange and white is a little excessive and the one in CS is really the diamond in the rough ?:)


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