Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tabbouleh Shmabbouleh

I usually plan out our meals for the week and make our grocery list accordingly.  For this particular night, I knew we would need something quick and light, so I made some Tabbouleh for the first time.  I already had everything I needed minus the produce.


I got the recipe from 101 cookbooks.  Another one of my favorites. 

You’re welcome.

This meal is high in fiber and protein and low in fat.  Perfect for a post work out/run dinner.

When it was all ready, I was very very VERY worried that DC would hate it, but he didn't.  He even ate it cold the next day for lunch.

Tabbouleh.  We likey.

Oh...and does anyone even know how to say Tabbouleh?


  1. mmm... thanks for sharing! I have made it a few times with fresh mint, feta, and sliced grape tomatoes, served cold.


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