Monday, April 26, 2010

Duke it out. Knuckle Sandwich.


This blog and our laptop and myself…we’re all in a fight.

I wrote some posts this weekend and scheduled one for bright and early today.

Low and behold, it didn’t publish.

Blast you, Windows Live Writer, and your false claims to being amazing.

I am also fighting with the following:

The bike room for being awesome and full of space leaving me to be forced to make a decision about what to put in there

The pictures from posts dating February 1- last week

My hair for being in that awkward length stage

The amount of time in one day

Massage Heights for being cheap (good thing) but lame (bad thing) and not having any openings

Our apartment office for not emailing me back at my convenience

The online career assessment that I took only to be told I had to pay for the results

The traffic that I know I will encounter trying to drive to Dallas on Friday after work.  Oh, the horror.

My left hamstring for not being as flexible as my right in yoga today.

Welcome to Monday.


  1. I used to live right outside of Dallas and feared the 121 anytime I had to get on it or go through the high 5. Yikes. I do not miss Texas traffic!

  2. Windows products, will always suck, don't trust them....ever


Hop on the love train