Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Small Space Garden, Stage 2

Short and sweet

We planted our seedlings in their permanent homes

and cleaned up our patio in the process, so we might actually want to hang out there this summer

The little onions in the small can...I grab one and munch on it every day.  Best snack ever.

The leeks are amazing to me.  I just shoved those bulbs in there from a couple of weeks ago, and they took off.

We got some Peony bulbs, some strawberries we'll experiment with, and we planted our Basil in a window planter thingy.  We're mostly excited for the Basil.  We love it, use it all the time, and can never buy enough.


  1. Yeah well this is great.......... except if you live in a neighborhood where you can't have plants outside, because if you do they STEAL YOUR ROSEMARY PLANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Still pissed..

    Yet happy for your luscious apartment garden

  2. Wow. We have yet to plant ANYTHING, though I think our kids (well, Oliver) would really like it. I'm so impressed with yours!

  3. mmmm..... mint.... cilantro....

    Looks so great! Hope all your plantings are successful. Our strawberries are already going gangbusters. Cannot wait to start picking those babies. =)

  4. everything looks just wonderful!! Y'all are so inspiring:)
    I love the baker's rack too, great for the pots;)

  5. everything looks just wonderful!! Y'all are so inspiring:)
    I love the baker's rack too, great for the pots;)


Hop on the love train