Monday, April 12, 2010

Lovefest 2010 Part 2

The campsite had a brand new bath house where I took the coldest shower of my life.  So cold my body was convulsing and gasping.  I had to be clean for zip-lining.  Or if not for zip-lining, I had to be clean for others.  Actually, I figured out that I didn't because one of our guides smelled like he rolled in hot wet garbage and then laid in the sun to dry.  But, I mean, he was really nice.

40 feet up swinging between those gorgeous trees I saw at the campsite.

I thought DC would really like this- something he's never done, something fun, something outdoors.  Turns out he liked their rope swing way more than he liked the zip lining.

Pay no attention to the fact that I sound like a grizzly man with a sinus infection.  Or that I had to ask what he landed on because I wasn't really watching...

After DC dried off, we headed here for the best BBQ you will ever taste.  When we got there around 2, there was an hour wait, so we brought some beers in and enjoyed the live music.  Then we chowed.

We headed into the ATX to check in to our hotel and rest before dinner.  The iPhone got us lost and we walked about 6 blocks the wrong way.  I was in heels.  Not fun.

We ended up having to take a pedicab to get to the restaurant in time.  Ironic?

On Easter Sunday, we went to San Marcos where I went to college to eat at one of my favorite places.  It was a beautiful day- everyone was dressed up for church and the wildflowers were EVERYWHERE.

Of course I didn't get a picture of them.  Not one bluebonnet.

1 comment:

  1. y'all are SO cute together! He is such a monkey:)
    I can never see what's really happening when I'm shooting, so I can see why you had to ask about his landing:)


Hop on the love train