Thursday, April 29, 2010

Only the best secret gift ever made for my coffee pumping heart

I’m not ashamed of the fact that I enjoy a cup of coffee every morning.  My grandmother, Goggle, taught me to drink coffee at a young age.  She would pour 3/4 a mug full of milk and splash some coffee in there and I was hooked.  I was also wired.  But you know, Goggle’s been drinking it all her life and she is 86 years old and sharp as a tack so you just try judging us!

Yes, there are days that I would really like to have some coffee pretty badly because I am not quite awake yet.  And yes, there are times when we are driving 2 hours to the lake house and I am begging for coffee at a Valero and DC shouts NO! because he does not find a gas station acceptable to get my coffee.  Funny, he seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable for our first date.

[awkward pause]

DC would call my delight for java an addiction.  We have different definitions of addiction Mr. eleventy billion bicycles.

[another awkward pause]


I love you?

So, when I married into DC’s family (in fact, the first night that I met most of them), when coffee was offered, I pounced on it.  Like, I was ready to clothesline all of his cousins and maybe his grandmother if it came down to it to get some before the pot was out.  And yes, I can take ALL of his Aggie loving cousins.  Anyway, I guess that’s where they all learned that I sort of like to have some, you know, if someone is making a pot, because from then on, at every event, they have just poured me some and stood back.

We went to have dinner at DC’s aunt’s house, and she had the most amazing contraption I have ever seen in my entire existence.  I swooned over it while she made me some brew.

Then, we went down for her wedding, and in the midst of all of her planning and stress, she had purchased said contraption for me.  That’s when she became my favorite relative on DC’s side.  What?  I am easily bought.  That’s what she…never mind.

Here she is (the contraption, not the aunt)


You put the dadgum thing over your mug, put the filter in with coffee…


Pour the water…and watch the miracle.

Do you understand that I stopped drinking coffee at home because I dreaded brewing a pot for one cup?  Do you understand what this means for my life?!

Aunt Eileen, you are the bees knees.


  1. So glad you love that! Wish I would have thought of finding one for you, then I could be your fav. Carroll relative:)
    Our mom gave one to Nancy's husband when they were newlyweds (long! time ago) b/c he was the only coffee drinker in their household.
    Didn't know you don't make coffee for one:(
    We didn't here for a long time until we got the pot with the timer-I'm too fuzzy in the morning to make coffee. Mr. OneCup is a happy camper now:)and now he usually drinks more than one cup, go figure....

  2. OMG...that is amazing! I need to get me one of those!

  3. What you need is this:


Hop on the love train