Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010. The List. I’ll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours.

Get a new haircut and really learn how to do my hair…maybe more naturally…less drying and straightening.  Let it go wavy.  We’ll see.  Any good curly hair advice?  Mine always looks like an electrocuted poodle.  Maybe I should stick to straight.

Drink more water

Live a simple life.  Less things.  More exploring.  Less stress.  More prayer.  More love.  More seizing the day.

Not be so dependent on my iPhone…risk getting lost every once in a while.  Risk trying a new restaurant without reading who likes it and who doesn’t before we get there.

DC and I have been very blessed financially.  This year of being newlyweds has resulted in much saving and not so much intentional budgeting.  We plan to make a monthly budget.   I have a really great (and easy!) budget sheet we got in our premarital counseling class if anyone is interested.  Just email me.  Link on the left sidebar.

Just run.  I am liking it a lot.  I would love some running friends, especially while my other half is sick and can’t keep me company.  And a strained hip flexor this morning proves I need to spend time stretching…taking care of the muscles I am using.

Read.  It is my favorite and it has fallen way behind lately.  I have way too many books in the top of my closet that haven’t been read.  And if I haven’t read them, I can’t mooch them to you.

Build “my” space in the apartment…if it has to be on the patio, so be it

DC and I want to buy more organic, but mostly eat less of the processed foods like crackers, chips, anything in a package.  We want to get creative with our food and cooking.  We want to learn more about our bodies and what is good for them, we want to find things to help keep our vegetables and fruits for longer, (anyone have any ideas?) but we just want it to be simple, not complicated.  Nothing wrong with some chips and DC’s guacamole every once in a while.  Or some fattycakes

While we’re on food, I want to try more new restaurants in Houston.  We are missing out on so much goodness this city offers.  I told you, the food thing has to be simple.  Give me some recommendations.

I need a complete career change.  Though I don’t know what I want to do.  Maybe go back to school.  Maybe figure out how to not stress about the work politics that make this so hard.  But, while I’m where I am, I want to build better/more relationships at work.  Find some new friends in that Mecca of a hospital.

Invest more in what I think my style is.  Maybe shop at new stores,  wear things I haven’t worn in a while, mix the old with the new.  I need a lot of the new for valid reasons.  Taking donations.

Think positive first.

Spend as much time outside as possible in all sorts of different places.  I would love a dog we could take with us to do this stuff.  But, apartments don’t love dogs and vice versa.  Someday.

Get organized.  Big time.  In everything.

I’d like to figure out what it is I’m doing with this blog.  Sometimes it seems almost foolish.  I don’t have much of a niche for its direction.  I know that I need to stop thinking about writing for who I know is reading it, and just write as the person I am.

Finish up some of my other list.  I think it’s time to edit that already, and that’s ok.  Goals change over time.  I’ll get to that next week.

Keep in better touch with my brothers.  I hope to go see them in Washington, D.C. at least twice this year

Wake up earlier to do some running or eating or reading or spend some time with God or have some coffee time on the porch or just to have a little more time with DC.  To do whatever I want to do before I go stick it to the man.

Be in love as much as I possibly can.  Soak up our time as just the 2 of us.  Figure out marriage as we go.

So long, 2009.


  1. This is such a great list. I have no doubt you will accomplish everything and more in 2010!

  2. This is an awesome list. Lots of fun things, lots of challenges. I am having a really hard time with my "resolutions" for 2010. I feel torn between wanting to have direction and boxing myself in. I like the way you think for your list. You have a way with words. Almost poetic.

    I want to try to wake up earlier this year and start running again, though. I'm just afraid of putting it out there cause it's not something I know that I can achieve. Terrible.... =)

    Happy New Year!

  3. What a wonderful list! And I finally found your 27 things!! I came once and searched for it but I am easily discouraged. haha. I just learned how to use tags, though, so I found your 27 things through that.
    As far as hair goes, I am a curly haired girl, too. You always needs to start with a decent haircut, and then good products. Is your hair more wavy, or actually curly? Most people have curly hair, they just don't know how to coax the curl out. I'd use some sort of a cream. I love the Kevin Murphy Easy Rider, all the Redken curl products, and Catwalk makes some great ones, too. Sometimes I even just run some conditioner through my mid lengths and ends for hold. A diffuser is another HUGE part of it. Scrunch in your product, and then diffuse it but not all the way. If you dry it all the way, it will get frizzy. I got a video camera recently, and I want to start doing some hair tutorials because I'm a hairstyist, and lots of people ask me for hair advice online, but I can't really show them what I mean. I'll let you know when I get those posted.
    And thank you for the sweet comment! I mostly shop at like 4 stores, only. Target, Old Navy, TJ Maxx, and American Eagle. They're all really random, but I only buy the solid, simple pieces. I'm probably too old to be in AE, but I don't care :) & the flats you love are from Target!


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